All around us we can see the world moving at exponential speed, and as a result, constructs we have come to know are going to profoundly change. Adoption will take place at record speed in some places and in fits and starts in others … but it is coming. Healthcare faces these technological forces and […]
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Galloway’s experience and approach sorts through complexity and produces clarity, improving performance in all key areas – quality, safety, service, volume, revenue, cost, and patient flow. We invite you to browse the insights below.
Preparing Your Organization for Artificial Intelligence and Technology Adoption
AI and machine learning proliferate the news. Predictions about breakthroughs in multiple fields such as radiology and diagnostics abound. If you accept the central thesis behind Moore’s Law and that exponential improvements in price, size, speed and capability of technology will continue – combined with the knowledge that we’ve been on this path for over […]
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