The case study focuses on one System’s strategic decision on how to best navigate and operationalize the shift from Fee For Service (FFS) to Fee For Value (FFV) and in doing so, how they went about recognizing and navigating the Corporate Immune Response, an organization’s predictable reaction to any meaningful change in either strategy or operations.
Full story »Population Health
Galloway’s experience and approach sorts through complexity and produces clarity, improving performance in all key areas – quality, safety, service, volume, revenue, cost, and patient flow. We invite you to browse the insights below.
Offset Strategy in Healthcare
The Army and healthcare systems actually have a lot in common, at least organizationally. They share many of the same characteristics – labor intensive organizations facing life of death decisions, they place a premium on repeatable processes, performed by cross trained crews … and conversely on the other side of the ledger each can be […]
Full story »How to Increase Volumes with Physician Engagement
Inpatient volumes are declining across the country and, coupled with reimbursement reductions, are understandably the source of much anxiety in the C-Suite. Many systems respond to volume declines with advertising campaigns aimed at improving their “brand” or reputation. As enticing and exciting as these campaigns might be, these efforts to create predictable growth in the […]
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